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Icon Skill Type Element Price
Laser Cutter
Active Skill
Neutral Element Neutral
? Gold ? Silver ? Copper

Summons a laser that drops vertically from the sky. The laser slowly moves toward the front.


A balancing patch cut Laser Cutter's casting animation in half and the laser remains on the field for a shorter duration, however the damage calculation remains the same.

Obtaining the Skill


Talk to any Sorceress Skill Trainer to buy the skill.


RankReq. LevelSP Cost Magic DamageMana ConsumedCooldown Time
1 50 15 837%+8890 5.2% of Base MP30s
2 53 5 867%+10664 5.4% of Base MP30s
3 56 5 898%+12620 5.6% of Base MP30s
4 59 5 932%+14846 5.8% of Base MP30s
