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Icon Skill Type Element Price
Soccer Kick Combo
Passive Skill
Neutral Element Neutral

Use a special attack after using Soccer Kick / Dash Uppercut / Rising Slash 3-hit attack to strike an enemy down with a kick. This last attack will create a shockwave to damage nearby enemies.


  • A staple attack in PVP.

Obtaining the Skill


Talk to any Warrior Skill Trainer to buy the skill.


RankReq. LevelSP Cost Physical DamageMana ConsumedCooldown Time
1 22 1 195% + 100 1.5% of Base MP1s
2 27 1 205% + 287 1.8% of Base MP1s
3 32 1 214% + 349 2.1% of Base MP1s
4 37 1 223% + 1004 2.3% of Base MP1s
5 42 1 232% + 2356 2.6% of Base MP1s
6 47 1 275% + 4321 2.9% of Base MP1s
7 52 1 284% + 5219 3.1% of Base MP1s
8 57 1 293% + 6147 3.4% of Base MP1s
