Dragon Nest Wiki
Icon Name Passive/Active Description Prerequisites Req. Level
Arsonist Active Overwhelmed by madness, the character collects flame energy in his body to enhance flame attack and flame resistance. Crippling Punisher Level 1 45
Shift Blow + Passive After Shift Blow’s consecutive hits, a striking down attack is added. The additional attack can be used immediately during the consecutive hits when Special Attack button is entered. Enchanted with FIRE ATK. Shift Blow Level 6 48
Artful Chaser Active Overwhelmed by madness, the character deals indiscriminate attacks to the enemies in front. Arsonist Level 1 50
Flame Locust + Passive Strengthens Flame Locust, additional attacks can be launched by entering the Normal Attack button. Enchanted with FIRE ATK. Flame Locust Level 1
Shift Blow + Level 1
Blade Runner + Passive Strengthens Blade Runner's strike down attack enhanced with FIRE ATK and shockwaves are created that push enemies away. Blade Runner Level 1 60
Werewolf Passive Enchants Ripper with 10% permanent FIRE ATK. N/A 65
Izuna Drop + Passive Strengthens Izuna Drop with FIRE ATK, attack power and attack area are increased. Izuna Drop Level 1 70
  • Note: All skills require 65 SP in the Shinobi tree.

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