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Icon Skill Type Element Price
Mecha Duck
Active Skill
Neutral Element Neutral
? Gold ? Silver ? Copper

Fire a capsule that contains a robot duck. The duck inherits a percentage of the player's attack power and ducks attack enemies independently.


The capsule is aimed sightly right of the targeting reticle. The capsule itself can damage enemies. The duck will persist for 45 seconds. The duck's attack counts as the player's combo hit counter. A player can only have 3 ducks active at any one time.

Obtaining the Skill



RankReq. LevelSP Cost Physical DamageMana ConsumedDurationCast TimeCooldown Time
1 15 10 265.5% + 110 2.6% of Base MP?s?s15s
2 18 4 266.2% + 134 2.6% of Base MP?s?s15s
3 21 4 267.1% + 161 2.6% of Base MP?s?s15s