Dragon Nest Wiki

Basic Editing

The editing page is simple, At the top you have a total of 11 buttons.
From left to right they are:
Bold Button: Using the bold button will cause your your text to show up like this. You can highlight the text you want bolded and click the Bold button on top to change the text.
Italic Button: Using the Italic button will cause your text to show up like this. You can highlight the text you want Italicized and click the Italic button on to change the text.
Internal Link Button: Click on the internal link button when you want to create a link to another page inside this wiki. After clicking the button type in the page you want to link to. Example: Help:Index External Link Button: Click on the external link button when you want to create a link to a page from another website. After clicking the button type in the URL of the page you want to link to. To put text for the link replace "link title" with the desired name. Example: [http://www.nexon.net Nexon Website]
Level 2 Headline Button: Clicking this button creates a headline on the page. Replace "Headline Text" with the text you want the headline to display.
Embedded File: Clicking on this button will display a file uploaded onto the wiki from the upload page. This is typically a picture.
File Link: Clicking on this button will do the same thing as embedded file but will not display the picture, just link to it.
Mathematical formula: Clicking on this button will insert a math formula into the wiki.
Ignore Wiki Formating: Clicking on this button will make it so wiki will not format text. Just type in whatever you don't want formatted in between the tags.
Signature: Clicking on this button will insert your signature onto any page.
Horizontal Line: Clicking this will cause a horizontal line that stretches across the entire page.
On the bottom of the page you have some more choices. In the Summary box you can type in a summary of what you edited for other to see in the history of the page.
Checking the "This is a minor edit" button will let others know that the change you made was small, such as a typo fix or something along those lines.
Checking the "Watch this page" button will add the page to your watchlist which can be found by clicking on the link on the top right corner of any page.
Clicking the "Show changes" button will compare the old version and the changes you have made to it.
Clicking the "Show Preview" button will display a preview of what the page will look before saving it, this way you can make sure everything looks nice before submitting it to the public.
Clicking the "Save Page" button will save the page.

For more detailed information on how to edit a wiki click here.
