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Icon Skill Type Element Price
Bone Cleaver
Active Skill
Neutral Element Neutral
? Gold ? Silver ? Copper

Jump into the air, slash down on the enemy in front, and break the bones of the opponent. Additional attacks give extra damage (400-1600).


Obtaining the Skill


Talk to any Warrior Skill Trainer to buy the skill.


RankReq. LevelSP Cost EffectMana ConsumedDurationCooldown Time
1 50 3 Physical Damage: 747% + 12285
Damage per hit: +400
2.0% of Base MP15s32s
2 53 1 Physical Damage: 768% + 13655
Damage per hit: +800
2.3% of Base MP15s32s
3 56 1 Physical Damage: 788% + 15098
Damage per hit: +1200
2.5% of Base MP15s32s
4 59 1 Physical Damage: 808% + 16613
Damage per hit: +1600
2.7% of Base MP15s32s
